Web 3 Technologies

The concept of WEB 3.0 refers to the fully blockchain supported and personalized version of the internet that can be used as Decentralized and Peer to Peer.

In the internet system we currently use, that is, in the WEB 2.0 system, information is controlled by central powers. All information reaches us through their control. We can access the information we keep in our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter as long as we want. They can close your account completely or take control of your account if they wish.

Of course, the fact that information is in the hands of such centralized powers does not worry people. Today, the rumor that Facebook has opened our personal data to structures such as intelligence units, or vice versa, using it only for its own interests (sharing your information with third parties for advertising and marketing purposes) has become the most discussed topic.

Even Facebook alone has almost all our information with Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook applications. Algorithms used by social media platforms can work in a way that highlights the thoughts, products or services that are intended to be imposed on you. Since these algorithms are built on getting more attention, more aggressive posts are highlighted.

It is quite normal to watch this documentary and think about closing your social media account. In fact, there are many people who never get involved in their social media accounts just for this reason. Of course, there is a grain of truth in this approach. WEB 3.0 plans to avoid exactly these problems. So how will people get rid of this centralized structure with WEB 3.0?