Student Tracking System (STS)

We can simply call it the Student Information System.
It is the system where parents, teachers, principals and students can log in separately.
provide an easy interface

-100% security

-Compatibility with every device and ease of use on different computers as multi-user

-Following students, providing parent communication, saving time for teachers

-Note and absence information

-In case of student absenteeism, instant information can be obtained through e-mail service and SMS service.

-Ease of instant access to grade and absence information of students and parents

-Exam calendar

-Taking quizzes, sharing quizzes

-Quick completion of preparation, reading and reporting of exams

-According to the hours of the student's entry, according to the department he studied, etc. It provides reports by looking at the features.

-Displaying student success percentages

-Semester evaluation

-Defining holiday plans

-Unlimited permission type definition

-Student leave entry and reporting

-Input and output list and reporting